Redbourn Living Advent Calendar

What do you do during Advent? Sit on the sofa open a little cardboard door and see a picture or eat a chocolate?

We are creating a living advent calendar. Every evening at 18.15pm for fifteen minutes from 1st December till 24th December a real, life-size door will open and the audience will have a wonderful surprise. It might be a choir, a dance group, poetry, music or something you can’t imagine!

This an opportunity for everyone to get involved and the performance will be for children and adults.

Look out around the village for further information and in November every house will receive a full programme.

This innovative way of celebrating the season of Advent began in Stockholm and has been adopted by several towns in the UK. We could be leading the way in Hertfordshire!

If you could provide a venue or would like to perform or contribute any ideas please contact: Pam Hansford on 01582 794802 or Janet Long on 01582 792907

Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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