This is a local issue that has effected Redbourn more recently but we would like to inform all residents it is an offence to NOT clean up after your dog on all land, both public and private to which the public have access. Under Section 4 Dog Act 1996 and Crime and Policing act 2014 you could be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £50 and or face prosecution up to £1000.
The local police team will be carrying out extra patrols in the area in an attempt to identify persons responsible for not picking up after their dogs.
If you would like to report dog fouling in your area you can contact the Council on 01727 809019 or email who will arrange for street cleaning.
If you are aware of owners who allow their dogs to persistently foul on pavements you can report this issue to the Environmental Compliance Team within the Regulatory Services department. Contact them by ringing 01727 819406 or emailing