Katherine Warington School

Education and Skills Funding Agency in partnership with the school’s trust have announced details of their forthcoming public consultation on the emerging planning application proposals for the new secondary school. The purpose of the exhibition is to inform and seek the views of parents, local residents and other interested parties.

Four public exhibitions will take place on the following dates at the following venues:

Monday 10th July from 3.00pm-8.30pm at the Fenwick- Ames Suite, Aldwickbury Park Golf Club, Piggottshill Lane, Harpenden, AL5 1AB

Thursday 13th July from 3.00pm-8.30pm at the Batford Memorial Hall, Tallents Crescent, Batford Harpenden AL5 5BS

Wednesday 19th July from 3.00pm-8.30pm at the Wheathampstead Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead AL4 8AY

Thursday 20th July from 3.00pm-8.30pm at Redbourn Village Hall, 63 High Street Redbourn AL3 7LW

Further information is on the school’s website here:


Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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