Dunstable Road Bylands House
The present house has been much extended and turned into flats, but some of the original building (middle section) can just be seen. It was occupied in the early years by the son of the Danish Ambassador in London, who lived at Luton Hoo. Colonel Christ William De Falbe, son of His Excellency Christian de Falbe, Danish Envoy to the Court of St James, was born in 1882 and lived at Bylands House Redbourn from 1905 to his death in 1924. He married Vera Pelham Burn in St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, on December 8th 1904. She was from Edinburgh and the servants in the house in 1911 were all from Scotland.
William travelled to
America arriving in New York 15 November 1905, probably as part of his business
as an insurance broker. His offices in London were at 133-136 Salisbury House
London EC.
He was a member of Redbourn Cricket Club and played for the club around 1905,
being a useful all- round cricketer.
He served in the First World War, as he was naturalised in 1903. Active in the village, he was Vicar’s Warden from 1922, but died in a railway accident in France in 1924. His funeral at the church was a very prestigious affair, being attended by national and political figures, with a wreath being sent by the Queen of Denmark .His widow endowed the screen in the Lady Chapel in his honour.
Also on the site of Bylands is a barn converted to a house known as “Old Barn”
There are also remains of an old building running alongside the road.