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Hemel Hempstead Road The Waggon and Horses Pub

Site of the Waggon and Horses Pub

Once near to the church on the Camp or Gold Wyck field on the road to Hemel Hempstead, there were 5 cottages including ‘The Waggon and Horses’. In 1842 a James Seabrook was recorded as brewing beer here until the 1851 census, even though the house belonged to Samuel Puddlepat. By 1854, all the cottages including the brew house belonged to the Reverend Wade until they were sold for £307.8s.0d to Richard Lowe. By the 1880’s, the brew house was owned by the Kingsbury Brewery Company, which in 1889 sold it, with tenant occupancy to Benskins.   William Sinfield held the licence until 1912 but around the time of the outbreak of the First World War, it reverted to being a private house and remained so until after the Second World War when it was demolished.

Waggon and Horses as a domestic property in 1950

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Chair : Ian Caldwell
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