High St. No.73 The Old Post Office
This photo was taken in 1905. The Post office is on the left with the vehicle parked outside
The photo above, taken around 1914, shows the Post Office sharing space with Sam Skillman’s tailors and drapers. The later colour photo (1950’s) was taken when the shop was a general stationers.
View of the back of the Post Office.
This house and shop has a timber frame reckoned to be of the 17th or even earlier. Around 1830, a red brick façade and shop front were added. Comprising of two storeys, there are four regularly spaced sash windows on the first floor, on the ground floor, there are two doors and four windows, though only one has its four arched lights. The rear of the building is particularly interesting with a 17th century gabled cross wing on the northern side, made of red brick, the gable end of the first floor has an unusual attic window with a stone surround a similar window , now bricked in can be seen in the roof space. The gabled stair turret is weather boarded and was built in the 17th century. The roof is very steeply pitched with plain tiles, the chimney stack is off centre and has been restored.