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  • High St. Nos. 34 & 36

High St. Nos. 34 & 36

This pair of cottages are of 17th century origin, being timber framed but were given a brick frontage in the 19th century. The bricks are red and the roof is slate. On the northern end the gable is plastered and includes a mock timber frame. There are four evenly spaced flush sash windows with reeded frames and rams head paterae. The lintels are gauged brick. The two reeded panel doors also have reeded frames. They are two storeys in height and have moulded and dentilled brick eaves. There is an external chimney stack on the north end constructed in the 16th or 17th century. At the back there is a rear projection with a 17th century lateral stack. The interiors of the houses still have exposed beams.

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Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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