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Lamb Lane Bell Cottage/White Cottage

Bell Cottage today

Bell Cottage, once called The White Cottage after being painted with Snowcem originally served as an Inn. Its name is recorded as both the Bell and the Old Bell. Inns bearing this name are normally to be found near to a religious foundation. The building was probably built in the late 17th century and during the mid 18th century run by George and Mary Wildman. By 1775 Charles Lord, nephew of Mary sold the property for £45. During the 19th century there were a series of owners and around the middle of the century, the Inn seems to have changed its name to the Bricklayers Arms. By 1901, William Hawkins was the licensee and the original name had returned, but soon after this date it closed as an inn.

From studying the Ordnance Survey Map of 1878 it would seem that the inn had a cottage and outhouses behind it and one of these is marked as a smithy.

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