A Journey around the Village
Your next teaser!
Live 1st July on redbournvillage.org.uk

A Journey around the Village
Your next teaser!
Live 1st July on here
Would you be surprised to learn that the majority of helpers at last year’s Redbourn Classics were from outside Redbourn?
Plans are progressing well for this year’s Redbourn Classics and Village Fete. Based on the huge success of the show last year and the amount it raises for Redbourn organisations, the Parish Council are supporting the event again and have agreed to allocate more space for public parking on the day.
We now need to find additional volunteers to direct traffic and help at the public entrances to the Show. Please can you help for 1-2 hours on Saturday 7 September?
Thanks for reading this , you don’t need to make any other commitment or be on a committee, just get in touch and give up to 2 hours on the day to support this great village event
Please contact Deana Barge 01582 793620 email; volunteer@redbournclassics.co.uk
Website www.redbournclassics.co.uk