Remembrance Sunday 2018

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1. The 11th day of the 11th month falls on a Sunday – Remembrance Sunday.

The Parish Council have generously allowed the museum to have the use of the Parish Centre at no cost, to mount an exhibition similar – but larger – than the one we staged in 2014.

As in 2014, we are appealing for villagers to come forward with artefacts, memories, items of interest and stories to share which can be incorporated into the exhibition. We will take great care of any treasured items which are loaned to the museum for the event.

It’s early days, but we need to start planning for this important date.

All enquiries and offers of help or loan of items etc. to: John Ridgwell, Email: Tel: 01582 626055 Thank you.

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Hertfordshire LEP’s allocation of European Agricultural Fund

Open to grant applications from micro and small businesses in Hertfordshire’s rural areas.

The grants are designed to assist with capital investment to create new jobs. Grants of over £35,000 are available to firms of less than 50 employees in officially designated rural areas.

Small and micro businesses in or near small towns including Buntingford; Braughing; Much Hadam; Radlett; Bovingdon; Redbourn; Wheathampstead; Kimpton; Knebworth and Ashwell are eligible to apply.

For information below:

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Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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As you may be aware St Georges are consulting on changing their admissions criteria to no longer allocating 20% of available places to the villages. Read More