Redbourn Easter Fair

If you do, come join the REDBOURN SINGERS!
You don’t have to be able to read music, and there are no auditions.
We are a relaxed and informal choir that meet every Tuesday from 7.30 – 9.00pm in the Methodist Church Garden Room.
For further information contact Janet Collins (01582 793018 – 07721 864069)
We look forward to seeing you!
News broke this week that Lawes Agricultural Trust (LAT) and Rothamsted Research are working on a proposal that could see up to 1,000 new houses to the north of Redbourn. The fields in question include part of the River Ver Trail and the Ver itself.
The submission that’s being worked on is in response to St Albans City & District Council’s ‘Call for Sites’ as the Local Plan is developed to meet Government targets of nearly 15,000 new homes in the area from 2020-2036.
Whatever the exact numbers and location of these new homes, one thing is for sure, there is going to be a huge increase in demand for water in our already parched Ver Valley. The VVS will be responding to the consultation. Among other things we will be urging the planners to take the opportunity to insist that as a minimum all new homes are fitted with water saving and recycling devices to reduce the impact on our precious chalk stream.
Make sure you have your say on the Local Plan at
The consultation period ends on Wednesday 21 February 2018.See link below for more detail.