Redbourn Community Library

Waitrose Community Matters Programme for January

We’ve been chosen by Waitrose in Harpenden as one of their January causes. Please ask for a token and vote for us. It will enable us to provide more at the library

Rhyme Time

Bookstart Bear leads these fun 30 min session every Friday. Suitable for babies and toddlers of all ages.

Story Time

Every Friday at 3.45pm for 30 min. Stories aimed at toddlers and pre-school children but babies are welcome too.

Class Visits

Library recently started a programme of class visits from all Rebourn School, to ensure that local children access this valuable resource and see what the library has to offer.

Volunteers Needed

If you have a spare few hours a and would like to volunteer, please talk to us in the library or email redbournlibrary

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Redbourn Village Museum

The Museum is due to open on Saturday February 3rd until the end of November, weekends 2.00 – 5.00pm (last admission 4.30pm). There is no entrance charge, but your generous donations are important to allow the museum to continue into its 28th year.

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Redbourn Village Museum

Following on from the success of the Girl Guides Exhibition and 100th Anniversary tea party, if there are any other individuals or groups in the village that would like to use some display space in the first floor Skillman Gallery, we would encourage small exhibitions to be shown there.

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Redbourn Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission (Regulation 14) Consultation

The draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available for you to view and make comments between the following dates:

Start date: 2nd January 2018 – End date: 16th February 2018 at 5pm

Please select the following link to view the documents on the Redbourn Neighbourhood Plan website:

Hard copies will also be available to view in the Parish Centre, Health Centre, Leisure Centre and Redbourn Library.

You are invited to submit comments online via Survey Monkey at

or via email to the address below.

Community Officer to Redbourn Parish Council

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St Matthews Care Home

14th December at 1.30pm, St Matthews is hosting a show for ALL seniors locally.

The show is being donated by all local musicians and bands. We want to give our seniors a really great treat for Christmas.

Many residents from St Matthews as well as three other homes.

Our local seniors are so deserving, it gives one a chance to give something back.

Can anyone pledge, a cake, mince pies, scones or a Swiss roll. They don’t have to be homemade.

If you can pledge and bring to the village hall by 12 noon that would be great thank you so much.

Let’s give our local seniors a great time.

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Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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As you may be aware St Georges are consulting on changing their admissions criteria to no longer allocating 20% of available places to the villages. Read More