Redbourn in Bloom Horticultural Society

Anglia in Bloom

We are delighted to report that REDBOURN has again been awarded GOLD in the regional Anglia in Bloom campaign in the Small Towns Category.

REDBOURN COMMON won the award for Biodiversity.

REDBOURN INFANTS SCHOOL received a nomination in the Young People’s Category.

RITA GREEN received a nomination for the Mike Ames Award for her long outstanding service to Redbourn in Bloom.

WELL DONE and thanks to all who contributed to Redbourn’s success!

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Children’s Christmas Coloring Competition

Help us decorate Redbourn’s Community library this Christmas!

We would like you to draw a Christmas Star or Cracker. To fill an A4 size of paper, you can colour it in with crayons, pencils, paint or collage.

You must be a member of the library and be prepared for us to display your picture in the library.

There are two age groups, 6-8yrs and 9-11yrs.

There will be a small prize and all entries will be displayed.

Entry forms in the Library.

Closing date is the 4th December.

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IIIustrated parish map

Thanks to Redbourn Parish Council, the museum now has a supply of colourful parish maps which are on sale for £5 each.

They make lovely gifts, especially when framed, for anyone with a connection to Redbourn or those new to the village.

They are available at the Museum, where entry is free, but vitally important donations help towards our running costs of £6,000 a year.

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Redbourn Village Museum – Guiding Exhibition

100 years of Redbourn Guides

To commemorate this important anniversary, the Guides have arranged a display that can be seen in the upstairs Skillman Gallery until the end of November. It is supplemented by a relevant collection of George Webb photographs. Please do come and have a look.

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Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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As you may be aware St Georges are consulting on changing their admissions criteria to no longer allocating 20% of available places to the villages. Read More