Free Compost

Sunday 20th March from 7.00am, Amey Depot, Ronsons Way, St Albans.

SADC are offering residents free garden compost, this is a DIY event, bring your own bags (Max 5 per car) and a spade, until stocks run out.

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Make your garden wildlife friendly this Spring

With Spring just around the corner, British wildlife is starting to emerge once again! Here are some things you can do to make your garden more wildlife friendly this season:

Make a bucket pond – making a pond out of a bucket or washing up tub is a lot easier to create than a full sized pond, but can still attract wildlife such as frogs and dragonflies! Simply dig a hole that’s big enough for your bucket (making sure there are no holes!), fill the bucket with rainwater, place some sand and pond plants in, and the pond will be filled with wildlife in no time! But please make sure any animals that could accidentally fall in have a way to get out. This might simply be a large stick, a ‘beach’ of stones, or keeping the water level right to the top.

Plant some wildlife friendly flowers – native flowers are incredibly important in providing a source of nectar for pollinators such as butterflies and bees. Plants such as lavender, jasmine and honeysuckle are all great, as well as any native wildflowers.

Build a bird or bat box – this is a great family activity, and many guides can be found online at sites such as the RSPB and the Bat Conservation Trust. There is something very satisfying about having creatures use a home you’ve taken the time to build for them!

Have an unkempt bit of garden – even if it’s just a small corner of your garden, letting grass grow tall and not applying pesticides and herbicides can boost insect numbers, which in turn are eaten by birds and their nestlings!

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Redbourn Youth Club


6.30pm – 8.30pm

Redbourn Parish Centre

£3.00 a week – sibling discount available

Youth Club/Chill out/Table Football/Dance/Music/Film/Pool/Table Tennis/Games/Refreshments

Year 3 – Year 8


For more details call 01582 793096

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Repairs to Nickey Line bridge over High Street, Redbourn

St Albans District council is planning to carry out repair works to the brick sections of the bridge. The work is planned to start on 14 March 2016 and will take approximately two weeks to complete. Working time will be restricted to 9.30am to 3.30pm (Mondays to Fridays).

SADC have instructed their contractor to keep the inevitable disruptions caused by the work to a minimum and regret any inconvenience the works may cause.

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Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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As you may be aware St Georges are consulting on changing their admissions criteria to no longer allocating 20% of available places to the villages. Read More