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  • North Common No. 24 Formerly the Greyhound Inn

North Common No. 24 Formerly the Greyhound Inn

The White House was the Greyhound Inn

According to the 1851 census it would appear that there was a beer house here linked to William Hunt. Other keepers include 1871- Mary Hopcroft, 1881 –John Sharpe, 1891 to 1901 – William Fenn, 1903-1913 –James Keyte. However, around this time the house appears to have reverted to private ownership.

The Greyhound 1908 (centre) To the right, the old Methodist Chapel
Formerly the Wesleyan Chapel. Note the old arched window above the garage doors and the blocked entrance to the left of the doors.

The photo shows the original Wesleyan Chapel. It was opened in 1836 and built for £180 on land bought for £20.The congregation grew steadily until it numbered 70 in 1845 and by 1851 attendance stood at between 90 and 150. The chapel was sold for £100 in 1876 and the funds went to the building of a larger and more modern chapel.

The rear of the old Wesleyan Chapel

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Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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