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North Common Wesleyan/Methodist Church

Originally two houses and a barn stood on this site. However in due to the expanding congregations at the first chapel just along the lane(see photo below), the site was bought in1876. The building cost £947 and was extended further in 1882 at the and a vestry. It was a thriving church and shared a minister with Hatfield Road in St Albans. It continues to be a very important part of the community today.

Chapel in 1910
The original site of the church

The photo above shows the original Wesleyan Chapel. It was opened in 1836 and built for £180 on land bought for £20.The congregation grew steadily until it numbered 70 in 1845 and by 1851 attendance stood at between 90 and 150. The chapel was sold for £100 in 1876 and the funds went to the building of the present larger and more modern chapel.

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Charity Information

Chair : Ian Caldwell
Treasurer : Teresa Finnigan
Secretary : Russell Thomas

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