St Agnell’s Farm

This farmhouse was built in the mid-18th century from red brick, it has timber framed and plaster gable ends. The house is two storeys plus the attics. The roof is composed of plain tiles. The windows are early 19th century. On the North west end there is a large 18th century chimney stack and there are two 18th century windows at the bottom of this.

The name of this farm house has varied over the centuries, Aynels, Agnels and then St Agnels. It seems that it was named after a family in occupancy and then it was passed through the Spendlove family. In 1454, Joan, the widow of John Spendlove granted the Manor to the Abbey of St Albans as her husband had promised in his will. In return she was granted £18 and a pension of 40 shillings (£2) for life. The Abbey of St Albans held the lands until the Dissolution and then, in 1544, it was granted to John Cokkes and his wife Eleanor. When he died in 1558, he left it to his son Thomas. By 1575 it was in the hands of George Ferrers. In the 1851 Census, the farm is described as having 171 acres. It descended through the family till 1880. Then, consisting of around 14 acres it was bought by Mr Fryer.