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St Albans Road Running Horses Pub

This was called the ‘Green Man’ from about 1692. The name change can be dated to 1889. Originally a larger property with stables and yard, it is now a house called Runners. Copyholders include Harry Rashfield (1728), Thomas Beech (1729 – 1758) and then his widow Rebecca Brandreth. In 1762 it was sold to James Franklin, who was followed by John Franklin in 1781. Samuel Smith was the innkeeper from 1787 to 1813 and then the Peacock family (1822- 1827), from 1828-1829.  It was occupied by John Smith and from 1832-1843, Henry Childs after whom it was sold to Francis Searancke, the owner of Kingsbury Brewery in St Albans. Henry Croft took over in 1850 and his family stayed there until 1891. By this time it had been sold to Benskins (1898). The licensee in 1900 was Goodwin Spire Hebbs and later in 1906, W. Dunce and then 1900-1913 George Turner. In 1914 the Austin family ran the pub until 1914 when it became a private house.

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